Yu gi oh episodes 1
Yu gi oh episodes 1

Trudge Special Summons another "Assault Dog" from his Deck as one was destroyed by battle. Trudge again insults Yusei by calling him "trash", which annoys him before attacking Trudge's "Assault Dog", inflicting 600 damage. However Yusei speeds up, with the effect of "Speed Warrior" activating, doubling its ATK to 1800. Trudge mocks Yusei for Summoning a weak monster as it cannot defeat his "Assault Dog". He Summons " Speed Warrior" which dashes forward from Yusei's Duel Runner. Yusei then begins his move, with both of their Speed Counters increasing to one.

yu gi oh episodes 1

The duel begins with Trudge Normal Summoning " Assault Dog" and Setting one face-down card, ending his turn. " Speed Warrior" destroys " Assault Dog". They then both get onto their Duel Runners, prepare "Speed World" and drive off into the tunnel. Yusei tells Trudge that even though he is an officer, he respects him as he is a Duelist to which Trudge calls Yusei "trash". The other officer then tells his colleagues that it is no use and they leave. The other officer protests, but Trudge tells him to be quiet and agrees to Yusei's offer. Yusei states that if he loses, he will go with him willingly. Trudge questions Yusei on whether or not he even has cards to which Yusei shows him his Deck and slots it into his Duel Runner. One officer, Tetsu Trudge steps out of his car and questions Yusei on who he is and where he got his Duel Runner from, to which Yusei proposes a Duel. He leads the Security officers to a desolate tunnel entrance. Whilst driving, Yusei is amazed by the speed output of his Duel Runner thanks to the new chip. As Yusei exits, he is quickly followed by several Security vehicles. This causes Yusei's friends to begin arguing, but Yusei quickly intervenes, using his marker jammer to prevent Security from tracking Rally so they can escape whilst he draws them away on his Duel Runner. They also explain that his marker allows them to track him where ever he goes. Just as Rally tells Yusei to try it out, Sector Security appears above the hideout, telling Rally to come out as he stole the chip. Yusei then programs the new chip into his Duel Runner and tests it out, amazing his friends with how much it powered up his Duel Runner. Blitz questions Rally about where he found it and Rally responds that he found it among the garbage in Satellite, but is not believed. He then runs to Yusei and hands him a brand new Duel Runner chip. Their conversation is swiftly interrupted by Rally, who excitedly runs down to the hideout, asking his friends for Yusei's whereabouts. They then question Yusei about his previous Duel Runner which Jack stole three years prior. Yusei responds by saying he must have been a weak Duelist. Yusei's friends inform him about Jack's Duel and how easily he toyed with Hunter. Tank apologizes for interrupting Yusei in his own home. As his friends are fixated with the interview, Yusei revs his Duel Runner's engine, causing them to quickly turn the television off and talk to him.

yu gi oh episodes 1

In response, Jack snatches the microphone off of him and replies that if he went full-throttle at the beginning and defeated Hunter easily, the Duel would not have been entertaining for his audience, which received positive feedback from his fans who cheered. The MC questions Jack on an instance in the duel where he struggled against Hunter's Trap Cards. Yusei pushes his Duel Runner back to his hideout to see his friends Nervin, Blitz and Tank are watching an interview with Jack after his current Duel on Yusei's television.

yu gi oh episodes 1

Yusei then looks up through a crevasse in the road above at the moon. The MC announces Jack's victory to the audience, stating how he is still undefeated. In the meantime, Yusei's Duel Runner's engine has failed, causing it to break down. However Jack makes a quick comeback, easily Synchro Summoning his " Red Dragon Archfiend" and attacking "Skull Flame", winning Jack the Duel. As time passes, Hunter is shown to have an advantage with " Skull Flame". The Duel then begins with the MC announcing that Hunter takes the first move. The MC explains the rules of Turbo Duels to the audience, informing them that due to "Speed World" being active, ordinary Spell Cards cannot be activated and that Duelists must rely on their Speed Counters. Back at the track, both Jack and Hunter Pace begin the Duel by activating their " Speed World" Field Spell Cards, turning the stadium a bright lilac color upon activation, amazing the audience in the process. Throughout New Domino City, the MC is announcing Jack's current Duel through various means to anxious audiences. In the meantime, Yusei rides through the deserted and destroyed ruins of a subway. An announcer introduces the King of Turbo Duels to an excited crowd to which Jack Atlas then rides out onto the track, announcing his arrival to his fans.

Yu gi oh episodes 1